All your recruitment processes in one placeHost all your recruitment operationsGet an early access & free first 6-month subscription by joining the waiting list
Who is it for?Target audience
HeadhuntersFind talent, aggregate and operate data in one single place using convenient dashboard views
Smaller companies
Smaller companiesThat maintain several job posts, need to track statuses multiple candidates across them and have visibility whom to hire
Recruitment agencies
Recruitment agenciesAgencies that have many corporate clients and want to provide them with the best service and experience by using our tools. Manage many clients easily with well-thought out collaboration features
CorporationsThat require comprehensive solution to operate large hiring operations, teams of recruiters, have many open job posts and candidates, manage a large pool of candidates and would benefit from collaboration features tailored for teams of people involved in recruitment
FeaturesMain product features
Talent pool
Recruitment pipelines
People hub
Candidate search
SolutionsYou should use it if you...
experience difficulties to keep all information about your candidates in a single place
don't have dedicated careers page
have troubles tracking statuses of applied candidates while recruiting for a job
don't have a dedicated company page
have troubles to engage conveniently with external partners such as recruitment agencies or headhunters
don't have dedicated job page with easy apply process
don't have careers module on your own company website
don't have the ability to have fine-grained control over certain data or actions
don't have the ability to securely share access to the recruitment processes and systems with colleagues or those who need it
have troubles keeping track which candidates should be reached out to in the future
waste too much time on updating and notifying each candidate about their recruitment status change
don't have enough time to let all applied candidates get the feedback on time
missing tools for team cooperation while doing recruitment tasks for the company
don't have enough visibility as a company owner or director as to how your recruitment processes and progress looks like
People hubPeople hubPeople hub is a powerful set of features specifically tailored to improve and enhance collaboration with your colleagues and stakeholders
Easy startCreating companyCompany account allows to have dedicated company and career pages, publishing job posts, inviting colleagues to join your company and work together seamlessly
Creating company
RolesCreating roles
Creating rolesSet up access controls and manage data visibility easily by creating roles with specific permissions attached to each particular role
InvitesAdding colleagues
Adding colleaguesAdding colleagues
PermissionsControlling access
PermissionsPermissions allow for fine-grained control on what is allowed to perform by a particular account within your company account. Those accounts can be an account for your colleague, employee or external headhunters. Permissions are pre-defined actions by us and are fixed in the system. They can only be assigned to any user within your company account.
TeamsCreating teams
Creating a team provides with:
  • enhanced sharing with teammates
  • improved tooling for team collaboration
  • performance and activity tracking
  • team page
  • team stats
  • team calendar & events
  • many more team page integration plugins
Creating teams
Recruitment pipelinesRecruitment pipelinesRecruitment pipelines are created to easily track each candidate's stage in the recruitment process, change stages/statuses, execute automatic actions while changing status/stage. Recruitment pipeline is automatically created for each published job post.
Easy startPipeline columnsRecruitment pipeline view is Kanban-like page where you can easily see and track each candidate's progress in the recruitment process. Easily add or remove pipeline steps (columns), assign colors to columns and special actions to be executed once candidate card is moved in or out from a pipeline stage/step. Configure access rights so that only certain colleagues within your company can perform status changes or actions over candidate's card
Recruitment pipelines
Other key features
Drag & drop to change statusDrag & drop to change status
Candidate profile previewCandidate profile preview
Quick actions menuQuick actions menu
Talent poolFind your talentGeneral purpose of talent pool page is to reflect the whole “database” of candidates that has ever applied to the company. As an example, it has powerful filtering mechanism that would allow company-customers to see total list of candidates that has applied for a frontend developer or SMM marketing job. It is a “bird’s eye” view of company’s talent bank, people that has ever applied or showed interest in the company. It can also be used as a place to store candidates with their salary expectation info for later to be reach out to (example - once the job/vacancy is open again)
Find your talent
Find your talent
Find your talent
Easy startAdding candidatesAllows for adding candidate manually which is supposed to help in situations where company might have candidates that have applied for the jobs elsewhere on other platforms or via direct-email correspondence
Adding candidates
InvitesControl table columnsControl the order of columns by simply drag-n-dropping, activate or deactivate columns by simply toggling shown/hidden icon
Control table columns
InvitesBulk actions
Bulk actions
Bulk actions are performed via row selection and clicking “…” on any of the selected rows. This can probably be improved in design since usually when something is selected within the table the upper panel of tools changes & reflects the actions that can be performed upon selected items.
InvitesCustom candidate profile modalCandidate profile modal differs a bit from recruitment pipeline in a way that it is more tailored towards kind of use cases related to Talent Pool page, which is meant to be used as “data bank” of candidates. Therefore it has tabs in it where company-customer can do many things without leaving Talent Pool page
Custom candidate profile modal
Other key features
Quick change of pipeline stageQuick change of pipeline stage
CommunicationChatsChats are designed to be uniting place for message exchange for intra-company communication between team-mates/colleagues as well as applied candidates.
Easy startChat threads
Chat threads are conversations with a single user
Chat threads
Chat threads
InvitesInternal & candidate chatsInternal & candidate chatsInternal & candidate chats
InvitesSmart includesSmart includesIt will be possible for users to send “smart-includes”, which are basically messages with specific styling clicking which redirects user to a linked object (job/vacancy, company page etc.)
Easy startGroup conversationsChat groups are like “channels” in Slack, they are just conversations with usually 2 or more people. They can have custom name and chat picture which will be shown in the conversations list.
Group conversationsGroup conversations
Other key features
Chat settingsChat settings
Pin, mute & deletePin, mute & delete
Message forwardingMessage forwarding
Easy startHeadless job pagePublish open jobs as stand-alone web pages without clutter and distractions with an easy quick-apply button. Candidates applying through them would immediately show up in the applicant tracking system
Headless job pageHeadless job page
Headless job page
Jobs on a mapDesign work in progress
Custom text blocks
Custom text blocks
PricingFair pricePick the plan that's right for youand continue for as low as $29.99 per month if you like it
$89.99per month
Up to 3 users
$229.99per month
Up to 12 users
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